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Converters and Package Manufacturers Urged to Enter Upcoming Gravure and Flex Pack Competitions

ROCHESTER, NY & LINTHICUM, MD, USA —Two converting industry-related organizations are encourgaging converters and packaging manufacturers to enter their upcoming award programs.

Get a Golden Cylinder
The Gravure Association of America Inc. (GAA) reports it is extending the deadline for submissions for its annual Golden Cylinder competition to November 21, 2003. For more information, visit GAA at gaa.org. Or you can download the entry form directly at gaa.org/ConvSemConf/GCentryform2004.pdf.

FPA Calls for 2004 Flex-Pack Achievement Entries
The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) also is urging converters to enter the 2004 Flexible Packaging Achievement Award competition; the deadline is December 3, 2003.

"Over the past several years, [this competition] has become one of the most respected in the industry thanks to the outstanding caliber of packaging entries, the objective and methodical judging process, and the extensive media coverage of the competition winners," says FPA. "Its focus on breakthrough technologies, printing techniques, package structures, environmental advantages, and new end-uses puts the achievement awards program in a class by itself."

More information about the FPA awards is available by contacting the FPA at 410/694-0800 or by visiting FPA at flexpack.org.

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