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Is This a String of Good Luck or Reward for Lots of Hard Work?

Have you ever been so fortunate to experience the perfect week when nothing goes wrong and all you hear is good news? Neither have I.

But recently I came close to experiencing a darn good week (I'm a realist... nothing but good news is nearly impossible) when a number of positive announcements came PFFC's way. And I'd like to share them with you.

This story of good fortune began with the bestowal of a scholarship on one of PFFC's editors. Editors of publishing companies, like leaders in other businesses, enjoy receiving recognition among their peers. I am proud to announce that staff editor Nsenga Thompson, at a very early stage of her editorial career, has been given this recognition from the American Society of Business Publication Editors by winning its Young Leaders Scholarship. Recipients of this award are encouraged to continue their pursuits in the business-to-business editorial field and are granted the privilege of attending ASPBE's national conference where sessions are geared toward helping participating editors improve their writing craft and managing skills. I'll bet you'll read and scrutinize Nsenga's articles more closely now. She not only can take the scrutiny, she welcomes it. She's a talented writer with a wonderful attitude, and she's a gifted asset to the PFFC editorial staff.

The second good news announcement came with the notification that PFFC had won a Silver Award in ASBPE's 25th Annual Awards Competition in the category of Feature Article (Design) for our entry of the September 2002 issue's 75th Diamond Anniversary coverage. Tremendous credit goes to art director Michael Koch for designing and producing the complex, eye-pleasing, and dare I say, entertaining, time line that ultimately proved to be a work of art. But I would be negligent in not bringing to attention (and Michael would agree) that this special issue was, from the conceptual start to finish, a team effort for everyone on the art and editorial staff, including Claudia Hine, Teresa Koltzenburg, Debbie Donberg, Nsenga Thompson, and myself. So, understandably, we're all just a wee bit proud of this award.

As if one feather in Michael's cap wasn't enough, he received yet another internal CEO award from the management of Primedia Business Magazines & Media for his development of an electronic interface tool that facilitates the submission of electronic text ads not only for PFFC but also for our entire publishing company. This tool virtually eliminates the introduction of typos on our part as a result of our formerly having to re-keystroke copy. The best part of this award is that Michael received both peer recognition and a monetary prize for his contribution.

Then came the news representing the pièce de résistance. In May, Primedia's research department undertook an on-line reader preference study for PFFC. The results were enormously gratifying. When asked which industry publications the subscriber found most useful in providing pertinent industry information, the overwhelming response—by a difference of 41.2%—over our leading competitor was PFFC.

Then the survey asked which industry publication readers would choose if they could have only one, i.e., which is the most useful on their day-to-day jobs. By a difference of 50.3%, PFFC was the undeniable leader of all publications serving converters!

As for me, I've been enjoying a natural high that began in March after a surprise party celebrating 25 years of editorial longevity in the converting industry. Hard work has its rewards!

For more information on the converting industry beyond this issue's contents, visit pffc-online.com. We offer content there you cannot find here, and it is updated weekly. Once there, be sure to email your feedback to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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