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Sonoco Purchases Paxonix Software to Streamline Package Design and Development

PARSIPPANY, NJ, USA—Paxonix Inc. reports the global packaging manufacturer Sonoco has purchased its Packaging Professional Suite for use in its new product-launch process. According to Paxonix, Sonoco will use its software to link packaging professionals and the information they need to manage their work processes in order "to reduce costs and accelerate time to market."

Says staff VP of operating excellence at Sonoco John Grups, “We purchased Paxonix to help achieve and maintain our status as the low-cost global leader in providing customer-preferred packaging solutions to selected value-added segments. By managing workflow and supporting collaboration, Paxonix will also help us ensure packaging excellence and customer satisfaction—while improving speed to market and allowing us to undertake more business."

Owned by MeadWestvaco Corp.Paxonix calls itself "the pioneer and leader in integrated software and services for package design and development professionals."

States Paxonix VP of marketing and sales Kent St.Vrain, “The Sonoco purchase validates Paxonix’s vision of the need for hosted, integrated suite of tools for packaging professionals engaged in producing packaging for food and beverages, health and beauty aides, and other consumer packaged goods (CPG). In competitive CPG markets, the package makes the difference. Getting to market first is critical to gaining market share and revenues.”

Paxonix says its software is available from a secure, scalable, hosted environment with just a web browser and an Internet connection, and provides the following information about its Paxonix Packaging Professional Suite:

The Packaging Professional Suite is the first integrated software to bring the benefits of product life-cycle management to package design and development. It streamlines and manages processes, automates and tracks workflow and approvals, delivers up-to-date content, and supports communication and collaboration across both local and remote groups.

The suite includes the PaxPro Toolset, which provides workflow/collaboration, digital asset management, visualization, and reporting capabilities—plus optional, high-level project management capabilities.

Learn more about Paxonix at paxonix.com. Visit Sonoco at sonoco.com.

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