Lombardi Converting Machinery Announces Flexoworld, a Virtual Tradeshow and Multistreaming Event

Lombardi Converting Machinery is pleased to announce Flexoworld, an exciting three-day virtual tradeshow that will explore the world of flexography and feature Lombardi converting platforms. The company designs and builds printing machines for labels and flexible packaging.

Flexoworld begins May 18, one year after Reboot, the first initiative conceived by marketing manager Nicola Lombardi to reconnect the printing world after the first COVID-19 lockdown in 2020. Lombardi Converting Machinery, in close collaboration with its partner companies, conceived and created Flexoworld, which for three days will focus on Lombardi's three main topics: label finishing/embellishment, narrow- and mid-web solutions.

The program begins at 2:00 p.m. Central European Summer Time (CEST), 8:00 a.m. EDT, on May 18 with a live demo on the Digistar 430 and will focus on the Toro module, the in-line hot-foil stamping/embossing unit and an in-depth study by Luxoro-Leonard Kurz on high-quality labels. Next will be a web conference on global markets, with an emphasis on trends in general. Then the program will feature Etic.a, the company from Pomezia specializing in label printing and a Lombardi client, that will be the focal point of a successful case history. Finally, Ilaria Postuti of UPM Raflatac will be the special guest of the talk show dedicated to sustainability.

On May 19, again beginning at 2:00 p.m. CEST, 8:00 a.m. EDT, a live demonstration on the Synchroline 430 will focus on the cold-foil unit and a web conference with Giovanni Perego and Enrico Gandolfi of Lombardi Converting Machinery. This will be followed by a second live demo on the Invicta i1 430, an in- depth analysis of market trends by Piotr Wnuk of Labels & Labeling magazine, and the case history of the RIBER label factory. Finally, Dario Santilli of UPM Raflatac will talk about sustainability, and the day will close with a focus on the Turkish market and the talk show with special guest Federica Draghi of GrafiKontrol, an Italian manufacturer of vision systems.

May 20, third and final day, will open at 2:00 p.m. CEST, 8:00 a.m. EDT, with a live demo on the Invicta i1 670 and a focus by Roberto Maiocchi of BST. Giovanni Perego and Enrico Gandolfi will present for the web conference, followed by a focus on the United Arab Emirates market. Next, Sante Conselvan will present an in-depth study on Lombardi's customer care and a live demo on the Invicta i2 730. Silvia Caldiroli of Apex International will be the talk show host. An interview with Sante Conselvan of I&C/Gama International will close the event.

For more information, visit https://www.lombardi.it.

2025 Events

March 10-12 | Print UV, Las Vegas, Nevada (https://www.printuv.com/)

March 11-13 | ICE Europe, Munich, Germany (https://www.ice-x.com/#/)

April 1-3 |  Label Expo Mexico, Guadalajara, Mexico (https://www.labelexpo-mexico.com/)

April 16-17 | Battery Show South, Atlanta, GA (www.thebatteryshowsouth.com/en/home.html)

April 22-25 | Hybrid Fusion, Amsterdam (www.hybridsoftware.com/hybrid-fusion-conference)

April 23-25, 2024 | ARC Summit, Golden, CO (https://www.rolltoroll.org/2024-arc-summit-main)

April 29-May 1 |  Fit Expo, Miami Beach, FLA (https://www.filtxpo.com/)

May 4-7 | FORUM & INFOFLEX 2025, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (https://forum.flexography.org/)

May 13-14 | Print & Digital Convention, Dusseldorf, Germany (https://www.printdigitalconvention.de/en)

May 20-21 | Converters Expo, Green Bay, Wisconsin (https://www.packagingstrategies.com/converters-expo)

June 2-4 | ICEC, Palermo, Sicily (https://www.icec2025.com/)

June 18-20 | Global Pouch Forum, Clearwater, Florida (https://www.packagingstrategies.com/global-pouch-forum)

June 24-26 | Adhesives & Bonding Expo, Novi, Michigan (https://www.adhesivesandbondingexpo.com/)

July 21-24 | World of Wipes International Conference, Columbus, Ohio (https://worldofwipes.org/)

September 16-19 | Label Expo Europe, Barcelona, Spain (https://www.labelexpo-europe.com/)

September 29-October 1 | Pack Expo Las Vegas, NV (https://www.packexpolasvegas.com/)

October 1-2, 2024 | RISE® (Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics), Raleigh, NC (riseconf.net)

October 6-9 | The Battery Show North America, Detroit, Michigan (https://www.thebatteryshow.com/en/home.html)

Oct 8-15 | K 2025, Messe Düsseldorf (www.k-online.com)

October 22–24 | Printing United, Orlando, Florida (https://www.printingunited.com/)

November 12-14 | R2R Europe, Milan, Italy (https://www.rolltoroll.org/)

2026 Events

April 10-13 | TAPPI FlexPack PLACE Conference, Austin, Texas (https://www.tappi.org)

April 13-16 | Modex 2026, Atlanta, Georgia (https://www.modexshow.com/)

April 15-16 | Pulp & Beyond, Helsinki, Finland (www.pulpandbeyond.com)

May 7-13 | Interpack, Dusseldorf, Germany (https://www.interpack.com)

2028 Events

May 9-17 | drupa, Düsseldorf, Germany (www.drupa.com)

October 8-12 | Super Corr Expo, Orlando, Florida (https://www.supercorrexpo.org)

Exhibitors’ Sneak Peek

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