Bodine Adds Power to Gearmotors
- Published: November 15, 2012
NORTHFIELD, IL | Bodine Electric Co. has added more power to its INTEGRAmotor gearmotor line. The new type 34B4/FV-F gearmotor combines company’s 34B brushless DC motor and a high-torque gearhead, ( along with a built-in PWM speed control and an optical encoder. The combination is said to create a high-performance drive package that simplifies design, wiring, and assembly.
The new 24VDC, 1/4HP 34B/FV-F gearmotors provide up to 341 lb-in. (39 Nm) continuous torque, are stocked in gear ratios ranging from 5:1 to 180:1, and are rated at output speeds of 0.3 to 500 RPM. The brushless DC motor is said to be virtually maintenance-free, eliminating brush wear, brush maintenance, and carbon dust. They are well suited for printing equipment, conveyor systems, and factory automation applications.