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Tichawa Vision Scanner an Award Winner

FRIEDBERG, GERMANY | Tichawa Vision won a Gold award for its new VDCIS Industrial Scanner at this year’s Vision Systems Design Innovators Awards.

The VDCIS, a high-precision CIS (Contact Image Sensor) intended for industrial quality control, reportedly convinced the jury with its outstanding qualities and its high level of innovative energy. Dr. Nikolaus Tichawa, CEO of Tichawa Vision received the award personally at the Automate 2017, the largest trade show for automation technology in North America.

The CIS system is designed for the surface inspection of food products and blister packaging as well as products made of glass, wood, metal, plastics, and ceramics. The CIS sensor has increased the depth of field to 16 mm from the previous 0.5–15 mm. “It enables the CIS sensor a more in-depth view,” says Dr. Tichawa. “It can determine, for example, whether any pills are missing in the packaging, or inspect the prints on cans, bottles, and other cylindrical objects.”

Company says the VDCIS can easily be installed into production machinery at minimal expense due to its compact design. The sensor can be equipped with an optional scanning width of 300–1,800 mm. The VDCIS comes with an adjustable resolution (500–1,000 dpi) as well as the lighting combinations RGB and monochrome. “The VDCIS product range can tap into completely new areas of application like the inspection of food products, loose goods, or Direct-to-Shape-Prints,” says Dr. Tichawa.


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