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Flexible Packaging Wipes Out Waste

Wipes Out Waste

New flexible packaging for cleaning wipes from Method Products, San Francisco, CA, offers a 60% reduction in plastic compared to the canisters previously used. Developed by Amcor Flexibles, the structure is a matte OPP/CPP film that can be more easily recycled and offers a 6%-17% weight reduction compared to traditional PET/PE laminates. The material is said to process well on high-speed sealing equipment with clean die-cut areas, and the flat package is easy to stack, allowing retailers to fit more products in the alloted space on store shelves versus the rigid canisters.

Amcor Flexibles | www.amcor.com

Gravure Is for The Beans

Using a ten-unit Schiavi press and ink supplied by Sun Chemical, Mundet Tennessee, located in Surgoinsville, printed a paper label for Bush's Grillin' Beans that was named Best of the Best in the Gravure Assn. of America's 2008 Golden Cylinder Awards. The label features high-gloss black and true metallic gold, as well as process and logo colors. Gloss varnish adds dimension to the product photo and logo, while matte varnish enhances the smoky aspect of the product. A foil stamp outlines the logo.

Schiavi | www.bobstgroup.com

Sun Chemical | www.sunchemical.com

The Color of Confidence

OnVu time-temperature indicators (TTIs), developed through a partnership managed by Ciba, Basel, Switzerland, are supplied as labels (and potentially as printing inks) to show whether a packaged product has been correctly stored and transported, i.e., whether it is safe to consume. The label consists of a reference color and a TTI. Once activated by a suitable light source, the TTI first becomes dark and then grows progressively lighter as time passes and also if the ambient temperature rises. When the active color attains the same shade as the reference, the product has reached the end of its shelf life.

Ciba | www.onvu.com

Did you produce a cool converted product? Send details with a picture to yolanda.simonsis@penton.com.

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