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Plastic Film Study

Cleveland, OH | Demand for plastic film in the US is projected to grow 2.6% annually to more than 16 billion lbs in 2012, valued at $13.4 billion (resin cost only). This is among the conclusions of a new study from The Freedonia Group,

Total plastic film market value (including resins, additives, processing, and other costs) will reach nearly $32 billion. Advances will reflect film's cost, performance, and source reduction advantages over rigid packaging, as well as opportunities in film products such as pouches and modified atmosphere packaging. LDPE will remain the leading film, accounting for almost two-thirds of the total in 2012.

According to the study, demand for LDPE film will increase nearly 3%/yr to 10.5 billion lbs in 2012. This increase will result from the film's competitive cost structure, versatility, and opportunities in areas such as produce and snack packaging, stretch and shrink wrap, and trash bags. HDPE film demand will grow at a below-average pace as a result of slow retail bag advances.

PP film demand is expected to expand 3.4%/yr, and PET film demand will continue to decline, although good opportunities are anticipated for PET film in certain food packaging applications.

Packaging accounted for nearly three-fourths of all plastic film use in 2007. The most rapid growth is anticipated in secondary packaging due to opportunities in areas such as stretch and shrink wrap, and retail bags.

For more information on Plastic Film, visit www.freedoniagroup.com.

US Plastic Film Demand
(million pounds)

Item 2002 2007 2012 % Annual Growth
02-07 07-12
Total Demand 13,740 14,170 16,130 0.6 2.6
Low-Density Polyethylene 8,465 9,105 10,510 1.5 2.9
High-Density Polyethylene 2,013 1,921 2,057 -0.9 1.4
Polypropylene 1,276 1,230 1,455 -0.7 3.4
PVC, Degradable & Other 1,986 1,914 2,108 -0.7 1.9

©2008 The Freedonia Group

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