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Teaming for Better Bag

ADDISON, ILL.| Rollprint Packaging Products has teamed with Pactiv Corp., Lake Forest, IL, to supply Hefty Slide-Rite slider customers with an improved filling and opening feature for heavier bagged products (15-65 lb). To provide an alternative to peel-seal film, the two companies developed a ½-in.-wide strip said to save time and money and decrease raw material usage.

Rollprint's structure is a 2-mil nylon, extrusion coated with 2 mils of its proprietary Allegro B peelable sealant. Reportedly, the nylon side offers good puncture strength and toughness, while the Allegro B side offers easy opening and visual evidence of a hermetic seal. For the processor, Allegro B offers a wide sealing window, enabling the material to accommodate most process variations.

Dave Cameron, engineering supervisor for Pactiv, explains, “On the product side, the geometry and performance characteristics of the nylon now can sustain more than 16 pounds per linear inch of force — which is sufficient to handle the fill weight of heavier products. On the consumer side, the Allegro B peelable sealant requires only about a pound and a half of force to open, which enables consumers quick and easy access.”

What's happening at your company? Send your news to yolanda.simonsis@penton.com.

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