PPC Puts Public Policy on the Agenda
- Published: February 22, 2013
SPRINGFIELD, MA | Two public policy experts will on hand to speak at the Paperboard Packaging Council (PPC) Spring Meeting: Outlook and Strategies Conference April 3–5, 2013, at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Nashville, TN.
Tiffany N. Adams, VP of Public Affairs for the National Assn. of Manufacturers (NAM), will discuss the significance of current legislation affecting US manufacturers. She is the primary staff contact for NAM’s National Public Affairs Steering Committee, oversees NAM’s events across the country, and manages the association’s congressional recognition and accountability program.
Paul Noe VP for Public Policy at the American Forest & Paper Assn. (AF&PA), works on clean air regulation, renewable energy, product stewardship, sustainability, and regulatory reform. At the conference Paul will not only describe California’s Proposition 65, an initiative requiring businesses to notify consumers about various chemicals in the products they produce, but will also explain how it may affect converters across the US.
“We think it is essential that PPC members stay up to date with the latest legislative regulations,” says PPC president Ben Markens. “Both Tiffany and Paul will offer valuable insight in public policy so converters can make informed decisions going into the future.”