
Digital Magazine

Independent Carton Group Celebrates 30 years


NEWTOWN, CT | The Independent Carton Group (ICG), an association of 17 independently owned and operated folding carton companies, recently celebrated its 30th anniversary recently with a host of special events, including the presentation of several esteemed awards.

ICG reports it has helped independent folding carton manufacturers successfully compete against large, integrated paper companies in the folding carton industry, and today, the 17 member companies in 11 states collectively represent over $700 million in annual sales and 1,282 years of packaging history.

Members from across the nation gathered in Charleston, SC, to commemorate the anniversary with a special celebration that coincided with the group’s general membership meeting. Events included a private tour of the Kraft paper mill owned by KapStone Paper and Packaging, an ICG vendor since 2002.

A highlight was the recognition of long-standing ICG board members Andrew Willie (Curtis Packaging) and Charles Hirsh, (Accurate Box) who were honored with emeritus titles for what ICG says has been 30 years of dedicated and distinguished service to the ICG and their contributions to the packaging industry.

The ICG presented its vendor of the year award to Clearwater Paper Corp., an ICG vendor since 2002 and winner of this award for the second consecutive year.


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