
Digital Magazine

PPC Upgrades Its Website


SPRINGFIELD, MA | The Paperboard Packaging Council (PPC) recently launched their new URL, along with a better digital information structure for an optimized user experience.

The newly improved site includes more intuitive page layouts, easier access to conference and workshop details, and updated information said to be relevant to both members and non-members. The amended formatting also allows visitors to benefit from richer online content that is easier to navigate and share with others, PPC adds.

Members can now access PPC white papers on industry issues, download relevant government affairs documents, and quickly access industry benchmarking report samples. Prospective members can access more information on the benefits of membership while non-members can stay abreast of the latest news stories as well as read educational articles on industry sustainability and the benefits of paperboard packaging and rigid boxes.

“We worked hard to find a URL that was both descriptive and memorable,” says PPC president Ben Markens. “Paperbox.org does just that—PPC’s new URL is easy to type into your iPhone, tablet, or laptop and perfectly describes our support of the folding carton and rigid box industries.”


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