BillerudKorsnäs Launches Medical Paper
- Published: January 29, 2018
SOLNA, SWEDEN | BillerudKorsnäs announces SteriKraft Protect AR, a new polymer-reinforced paper said to answer the need for higher performance medical packaging systems, following the standardization regarding packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices.
SteriKraft Protect AR is designed as a heat seal coating base, but will also seal peel to selected advanced peelable films without needing a coating. More challenging applications such as large drape and gown packs, spinal needles, IV catheters, etc., will benefit from the extra performance offered by SteriKraft Protect AR, company says. The new product is fully approved under the relevant sections of EN868 and ISO 11607-1.
The paper can withstand exposure to various sterilization methods and guarantees the sterility and purity of the products right up until the moment of use. Reportedly, the packaging will maintain its sterility for five years, is offered for all major sterilization methods, and is strong and safe with microbial barrier properties.
"The key benefit of the polymeric addition is to provide some stretch to the paper which results in much improved tensile energy absorption [TEA],” says Jonathan Andrews, business development director medical at BillerudKorsnäs. “TEA gives a good measure of the durability of the paper under shipping conditions."
The company says comparison of Geometric TEA between standard medical kraft papers and new SteriKraft Protect AR demonstrating the significantly higher performance of the new paper.