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Green Bay Packaging Named Environmental Leader


GREEN BAY, WI | Green Bay Packaging Coated Products Operations received the Supplier Environmental Leadership Award at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Tag and Label Mfrs. Institute (TLMI). The award recognizes TLMI member companies that have consistently demonstrated a commitment to progressive environmental practices.

In making the award, TLMI Environmental Chair Calvin Frost said Green Bay Packaging “created a Green Team over ten years ago that has demonstrated measured change that they call a ‘Decade of Sustainability Improvement.’”

Discarded material going to the landfill was reduced by 99%, with the Green Team coordinating the effort to define waste streams that could be recycled, either traditionally or as an alternative fuel source. The 5S organizational approach was used to tackle this project, which involved employees from every part of the manufacturing and administrative operations.

Additionally, the company installed a centrifuge to treat and reduce process waste water by 50%. On top of these efforts was a major project to reduce energy consumption. All of the activities started in the primary manufacturing facility in Green Bay, and now extend to the outlying divisions.

“Being recognized by such an important association in our industry is a huge honor, and it speaks to the success of our entire operation in striving to work in a very environmentally sound and sustainable manner,” says Martin Olson, Green Bay Packaging senior VP.

Green Bay Packaging senior VP. The Coated Products Operations of Green Bay Packaging is a manufacturer of pressure-sensitive paper and films for a variety of labeling applications, including primary package decoration and variable information.


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