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ACIMGA Finds Graphic Machinery Has Good Q1


MILAN, ITALY | The industry of graphic arts, paper, and converting machinery is off to a good start, reports Centrexpo,. In the first quarter of 2012 exports grew by 4.82% and imports by 9.94, according to figures published by the Research Center of trade association ACIMGA based on data from Istat, the National Inst. for Statistics in Italy.

Exports of graphic arts, paper, and converting machinery have increased by 4.82% in the first quarter of 2012. Imports are also showing a gain of +9.94%. The US remains the top buyer of Italian machinery with a 68.8% increase, followed by Germany and China (over the last quarter, the latter has doubled its orders).

“We are relieved to see the plus sign in front of these figures, in sharp contrast with the general economic scenario, especially in connection with the domestic market,” says Guido Corbella, CEO of Centrexpo, organizers of Grafitalia and Converflex planned for May 7–11, 2013, at Fiera Milano. Corbella adds, “This positive tendency is particularly significant as history shows us that over the months preceding drupa, business volumes traditionally suffer from a general downturn, which has not occurred this time around.” Such encouraging data, he says, combined with the positive reports from drupa, testify to the industry’s confident outlook to the future.

Centrexpo also reports Vincenzo Boccia has been named president of Grafitalia 2013, and Simona Michelotti will hold the same title for Converflex.


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