Strong Sales for Mark Andy in Latin America
- Published: June 23, 2012
ST. LOUIS | Mark Andy announces multiple recent Performance Series flexo press sales in Latin America. In two years more than 15 Performance Series machines have been installed throughout the region, from Mexico to Argentina and most countries in between.
Recent Performance Series installations include a 17-in. (432-mm) P5 for Regispel Bobinas e Etiquetas in Brazil, a 10-in. (250-mm) P5 for Jackrom de Venezuela, and the first P3 sold into the region, a 10-in. (250-mm) P3 for Color Digital in Mexico.
The company says the benefits of the Performance Series, including fast changeovers, reduced makereadies, and minimal waste, are appealing to profit-conscious business owners in the area’s label markets.
"The Latin American market has been a consistently performing market for us," says John Cavey, Mark Andy's sales manager for Latin America. "While the economic downturn strongly affected many areas of the world, Latin America has survived relatively unscathed and converters are interested in investing in their operations. We are seeing more and more advanced applications coming from the region, and we are proud to have the breadth of products to support these initiatives."