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Interprint Selects Faustel To Help Create New Premeer Product

GERMANTOWN, WI | Faustel, a manufacturer of high-tech web processing equipment for the converting industry, helped client Interprint, a global décor printer from Pittsfield, MA, revolutionize the furniture industry by providing the coater for its new Premeer product line. Premeer is a decorative overlay comprised of a specially formulated oriented polypropylene (OPP) with décor printing and electron beam (EB) coating on the front side and a surface that accepts adhesion to various substrates on the reverse. It is used for the manufacture of beautiful mill-worked products.

Back in 2010, Interprint realized the best way to break into the OPP business would be to put the printing and coating in-line for the most efficient and least costly production. Early in 2011, Interprint had a goal of producing the new product within one year. With the ability to print OPP already, their press #3 emerged as the best candidate to receive the $2 million upgrade.

According to Interprint’s technical manager, Dave Murray, “We needed a partner that could provide a fully engineered turnkey solution.” Faustel proved to be more than up to the task. Faustel agreed to manage the installation for Interprint.

Equipment began arriving in October 2011 and construction began shortly thereafter. A steel mezzanine was constructed over Press #3 in November and two critical pieces came together in December – a Faustel coater and an electron beam (EB) curing system from ESI. Soon the system was commissioned and Premeer was born.


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