Pepperl+Fuchs Encoders Stand Up to Stress
- Published: July 13, 2012
TWINSBURG, OH | Pepperl+Fuchs introduces CVM42H CANopen Multi-Turn Absolute Encoders featuring stainless steel housing, flange and shaft, and utilize magnetic sampling to deliver 24-bit resolution position value through the CANopen protocol. Robust design is said to make them well suited for harsh environments.
Uses in converting applications include allowing for roller adjustment and alignment; positioning the trolley for picking up rolls of paper; cutting and printing accuracy; and positioning of rotating table.
CVM42H absolute encoders are available with an IP66, IP68, and IP69K environmental rating; feature axial and radial shaft load capacity to 270 N; and are vibration-resistant to 30 g and shock resistant to 300 g.