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AWA Label Report Looks at Africa, Middle East


AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS | AWA Alexander Watson Assoc. announces Label Markets Africa & Middle East Market Study & Sourcebook 2012, the company’s first-ever analysis of these markets. It is said to offer an in-depth assessment of the opportunities and challenges across all the major labeling technologies: pressure-sensitive, wet glue, sleeving, and in-mold.

With the BRIC countries ((Brazil, Russia, India, and China) well on the way to becoming developed, stable economies, says AWA, the countries that will succeed them as emerging domestic and foreign investment markets are now a timely focus. According to the International Monetary Fund, seven out of the top ten fastest-growing economies 2011–2015 are in Africa. This new study evaluates the continent and its Middle East neighbors in the context of the global label market, profiling the regional value chain, active geographical and demographic market segments, and the relative importance today and tomorrow of the major product identification and product decoration technologies.

Included is information on macro economic demand influences and market drivers, raw material pricing, and environmental issues. The report concludes with a directory of companies serving the market: paper and film material suppliers; equipment manufacturers; p-s laminators; suppliers of inks and adhesives; and printers.


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