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AWA Reports on South American Label Markets

AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS | AWA Alexander Watson Assoc. is offering Labeling Markets South American Market Study & Sourcebook 2012, which focuses on materials used in the production of labels of all types, as well as on the markets and market trends. According to the report, the South American label market has the highest percentage growth of all regions. Trends in the use of labels in South America show ongoing, positive prospects for growth when defined both by country and by label technology. The increases in the major Brazilian market lead regional expansion, but market scenarios are also robust in other countries in the short to medium term.

The 2012 edition is the third assessment of the status of the South American label market, materials, and technologies with particular emphasis on the changing market structure and trends within this rapidly developing business area. In the report the market is segmented by application segment, by end-use (http://www.pffc-online.com/search?searchword=end-use&searchphrase=all) segment, and by region/country. Included are sections on pressure-sensitive, glue applied, sleeve, in-mold, and other labeling technologies. Company profiles provide an overview of key players involved in the South American label market. The study uses the value chain as a useful tool to understand the label market in South America.


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