
Digital Magazine

AWA Reports on P-S Label Web Waste


AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS | AWA Alexander Watson Assoc. offers the AWAreness Report entitled Pressure-sensitive Labels Options for Web Waste By-products Created in Printing & Label Application.

This report identifies the waste by-products created in the coating, laminating, converting, and application of pressure-sensitive labels; identifies the main stakeholders affected by this waste material; and explores options for these materials after their initial use.

AWA says the report is a useful tool for companies at every stage of the value chain, from label manufacturer to label converter and label applicator and brand owner. Currently the global packaging industry is actively engaged in managing its responsibility for sustainability and recyclability, and “this is the momentum for the p-s label industry to step up to the plate,” notes AWA.

Included in the report is information on what the waste by-products of pressure-sensitive labels are, who is affected by these materials and why, and the options for the materials after first use. The goal of the report is to provide an up-to-the-minute overview of the options for the environmentally responsible disposal, recycling, and re-use of web waste for the benefit of both brand owners and label converters in all regions of the world.


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