AWA Offers Study on P-S Tapes
- Published: November 20, 2012
AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS | AWA Alexander Watson Assoc. offers the Global Specialty Pressure-sensitive Tapes Market Study & Sourcebook 2012, the first assessment conducted by AWA of what it says is one of the world’s faster growing areas of specialist converting. This study analyzes the strength and weaknesses of the specialty tape market and other characteristics across the value chain.
According to AWA, specialty pressure-sensitive tapes represent a significant growth opportunity for converters, distributors, and end-users. The area includes a wide range of material types, product constructions, and end uses, said to provide a driver for strong growth that is independent of general economic, consumer, or business cycles. Areas of use include medical applications, automotive and aerospace end uses, and electronics.
The sourcebook focuses on materials, conversion technologies, application methods, and end uses for all specialty tapes, and on the markets and market trends. The value chain tool is used to analyze the market volumes and trends for the global specialty pressure-sensitive tape market and for each of the regional markets.
Research of available published literature, an analysis of trade and industry statistics complemented by strong primary research. The primary research and data collection involved in this study included a mix of personal interviews and telephone and e-mail interviews of leading global and regional tape manufacturers, raw materials suppliers, end users, and industry experts, as well as on-line questionnaires to targeted companies.