
Digital Magazine

Sun, ScentSational Team to Offer Coatings


PARSIPPANY, NJ | Sun Chemical has teamed up with ScentSational Technologies, Jenkintown, PA, to introduce SunScent coatings, a commercially printable coating said to allow any printer to incorporate scent directly onto the packaging substrate. Scent stays inactive until consumers handle the package and trigger a release.

Available for flexo, gravure, and offset coating units, coatings can be applied directly onto packaging as a spot coating and done in-line, working with any current pressroom configuration, company says. Stock scents are available but custom “Signature Scents” can be developed for brands that want a unique scent associated with their product.

Unlike traditional scratch-and-sniff labels, the desired scent is applied directly onto the primary packaging, including flexible packaging pouches and other tamper-resistant packages that consumers cannot open on the grocery shelf. Additionally, the structure of microencapsulates in the coatings is designed to prevent premature breakage during the printing process while delivering maximum scent release. SunScent coatings can be designed to release scent at the shelf or during opening and use.


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