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TLMI Announces New Board Members and Association Officers

GLOUCESTER, MA | At the recent annual meeting of the Tag and Label Mfrs. Inst. (TLMI) held in Naples, FL, the association announced newly elected board members and executive officers. New board members include: Christopher Che, president and CEO of Hooven-Dayton Corp.; Gary Cooper, plant manager of Staples Print Solutions; and Alex Elezaj, COO of Whitlam Label Co. Additionally, Daryl Hanzal, president of Ritrama Inc., was reappointed to a full term on the board as a supplier member.

During the banquet at the meeting’s close, Art Yerecic, president of Yerecic Label, handed over the association’s chairmanship to Dave McDowell, president and CEO of McDowell Label & Screen Printing. Other new officer announcements include Jeff Dunphy, president of Design Label Mfg., as chairman elect, and Dan Muenzer, VP of global marketing at Spear, as association vice chairman.

TLMI President Frank Sablone comments, “I would like to extend a warm welcome to TLMI’s newest board members. The association has witnessed tremendous growth over the past two years and our Tech Conference, Converter, and Annual Meeting attendance rates have been at the highest in the association’s history. I’m confident the new board members and association officers will bring new energy and insights to TLMI’s strategic positioning as a member-driven association and will be able to expand our outreach into the greater market even further.”


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