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Dura-Fibre Folding Carton Material Runs Well


MENASHA, WI | Dura-Fibre says printing with heavyweight folding carton materials can be easy and reliable with its products. The board will run on multiple brands of presses, including Heidelberg, KBA, Komori, and Manroland, with very few tweaks to the machines, company says, and the result is strength and superior surfaces for high-impact, hassle-free printing.

The director of technology at KBA says, “With KBA’s board package up to 48 point, there is no problem running the Dura-Fibre stock. Due to the quality of the board, the print quality will look excellent. We did a KBA demo with Dura-Fibre board and showed the press running at 18,000 sheets per hour with no problem.”


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