AWA Release Liner Conference Is Coming
- Published: December 14, 2012
AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS | AWA Alexander Watson Assoc. announces the Global Release Liner Industry Conference & Exhibition 2013, scheduled for March 20–21 in Denver, CO.
AWA says attending this conference will access to all the key players from the industry, from suppliers to users; valuable market data to assess business opportunities; insight into the industry's trends and developments; and peer-to-peer networking on an executive and senior management level with customers, partners, and suppliers.
Program highlights will include:
• Concurrent Session A: A round table workshop: Is liner recycling an obstacle or an opportunity - Hosted by Channeled Resources
• Concurrent Session B: Workshop Business Development & Growth Opportunities - Hosted by AWA
• Silicone & Release Coating Panel Discussion
• Global and emerging release liner markets presentation
• Insight in end-use and application markets.
Register online by December 31 to take advantage of the Early Bird Fee.