
Digital Magazine

BST ProMark Acquires AccuWeb

BIELEFELD, GERMANY | BST ProMark, a subsidiary of BST Intl. GmbH, has acquired a 100% interest in AccuWeb Inc., Madison, WI. Accuweb is a leading supplier of control technology for web processing industries. This shareholding further extends the BST Group's existing technology portfolio of control technologies.

The BST Group has at the same time become the market leader for web guiding technology in the USA, according to company sources. "For us Accuweb is not just an attractive shareholding that strengthens our market and competitive position. [The company] is a good cultural fit for us…. Accuweb and BST have the same origins and, after more than 30 years, are joining forces under the same roof," explains Percy Dengler, managing director of BST Intl. GmbH.


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