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Bretting Develops New Controls Platform for Converting Lines

ASHLAND, WI | C.G. Bretting Mfg. Co. Inc. recently delivered its first paper converting machine controlled entirely by Siemens hardware and software. The project was a major undertaking for Bretting, Siemens, and Standard Electric (local Siemens distributor) and was deemed a great success, according to Dave Vedder, director of engineering, C.G. Bretting.

Siemens controls“Planning and partnerships with our vendors were keys to our success on this first 41-axis Siemens-controlled machine. We planned for success and achieved it. The project started more than 24 months prior to delivery of the machine to the customer,” Vedder explains. “The project started with listening to our customers, who had been requesting Siemens automation on our equipment for some time. [The] solution comprised Sinamics drives, Simatic PLC and Simotion motion controllers.”

The purchasing department then met with the local distributor, Standard Electric. Planning for the first Siemens machine was initiated. It was determined the products and software available would satisfy the full range of Bretting machine functionality and other requirements.

A formal customer inquiry for a new machine followed about six months later. The inquiry included a requirement for a full Siemens automation solution on the customer’s new paper converting machine. Bretting, Siemens, and Standard Electric were ready to respond, Vedder explained. Proposals for the machine with full Siemens automation solutions were shared with the customer. A new set of planning protocols was started, one that focused specifically on the first Bretting paper converting machine to be equipped entirely with the new vendor’s products and software onboard.

Bretting paper converting machine

The customer ordered the machine approximately six months after the initial inquiry. The plans for the first machine were approved and authorized for production. Some checks and adjustments were required during the machine engineering and build process. “The combined talents of Siemens, Standard Electric, and Bretting addressed and resolved any issues as they occurred,” Dave Vedder explained. “The customer approved the machine during the Final Machine Checkout process. The time from Order to Checkout was similar to other machines we’ve produced during recent years.”

The machine was then disassembled and shipped to the customer’s site in Europe. The reassembly, startup, and final commissioning proceeded without issue. The machine is currently running successfully in the field, with no significant service issues reported, according to Vedder.



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