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Georgia High School Installs Comco Cadet

Comco Cadet pressCHARLOTTE, NC | The Phoenix Challenge Foundation (PCF) announced the installation of a Comco Cadet in-line flexo press at R.W. Johnson High School in Gainesville, GA. The used 7-in., four-color Comco press was installed late November and is the result of much work done by Scott Porter of the Graphic Communications department, Pao Sengkhammee of Zebra Technologies, and Bettylyn Krafft of the PCF. Zebra Technologies is a Partner in Education with Johnson High School and was directly involved with introducing Johnson’s graphic program with PCF.

Johnson High School is an excellent example of how graphics education can be a pivotal career path for today’s students. With one of only 65 programs in the state, the school boasts a high level of participation in graphic and printing skills competitions like the Phoenix Challenge Foundation High School Competition, SkillsUSA, and various other printing and skills events that also develop leadership skills.

In addition, this progressive high school offers a Youth Apprentice Program as well as national accreditation programs. Johnson High Graphic students rank as one of the highest in Georgia in becoming nationally certified in graphic arts.

Bettylyn Krafft, chairman of the Phoenix Challenge Foundation, commented, “We are so excited to support Johnson High School’s graphics communications programs with such a vital tool, their four-color press. It is a true honor to be involved with a school that really lives their mission of nurturing, supporting, and growing the work force of tomorrow. It is why I love being a part of the Phoenix Challenge family.”

To effectively support the mission of the foundation, the PCF announces the availability of sponsorships in support of its fundraising for this year’s competition and scholarship programs. Since its inception, more than 725 students have successfully participated in Phoenix Challenge Foundation programs and events and many have gone on to successful careers in flexo and package printing.

For additional information or to donate to the Phoenix Challenge Foundation, please contact Bettylyn Krafft.

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