
Digital Magazine

Freebox Produces Customized Boxes On Demand

WEST HARTFORD, CT | System Packaging, Fiorano (MO) Italy, has announced that Matik Inc. will be the distributor of its new corrugated box machine, Freebox, for packaging applications in the US and Canada.

Freebox can produce fully erected, customized cartons on demand with efficiency and flexibility, lower raw material costs, higher carton strength, lower transportation costs, lower storage costs, and less impact on the environment, the company reports.

Freebox uses 48x48-in. corrugated sheets to produce customized boxes automatically, with fewer steps in the packaging process. No die-cut blanks, carton erecting, bottom taping, or labeling are required. In addition, there is no downtime for box size changes.

Freebox System

Operators can manually enter the dimensional parameters of the box on the touchscreen interface; or use the Freedata system, which carries out visual and dimensional product recognition; or it can be obtained directly from the company business software database.

A box produced with Freebox has four reinforcing corner pieces; the system for gluing the corners uses a technique to ensure a higher level of anchorage of the hot melt on the surfaces to be bonded. A monochrome or four-color inkjet printing system personalizes the box with logos, trademarks, and product information.

After February 1, a Freebox machine will be available for demonstrations at Matik’s new Packaging Technology Center. 


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