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Asia Pulp & Paper Announces Forestry Policy


JAKARTA, INDONESIA | Asia Pulp & Paper Group (APP), a group of pulp and paper manufacturing companies in Indonesia and China, has announced an end to the clearing of natural forest across its entire supply chain in Indonesia. APP’s new Forest Conservation policy, applies to APP and all of its suppliers in Indonesia effective February 1st.

Key points include:

• APP and suppliers will only develop areas that are not forested, as identified through independent HCVF (high conservation value forestry) and HCS (high carbon stock) assessments

• All natural forest clearance suspended while HCVR and HCS assessments completed

• APP policy ensures protection of forested peatland

• APP encourages independent monitoring by NGOs

• APP accelerates by almost two years plan to implement HCVF principles across its entire supply chain HCS assessments undertaken by The Forest Trust will identify all forested areas, enabling APP to ensure that future plantation development does not take place in forests.

Aida Greenbury, APP managing director for sustainability, says, “APP has committed to protect all natural forests across its supply chain as part of its plans to support the Government of Indonesia’s low carbon development strategy for our economy. Our new Forest Conservation Policy sets our company on course to be a leading world-class paper company solely based on sustainable plantation sources.”


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