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AIMCAL Offers Updated Metallizing Reference


FORT MILL, SC | The Assn. of International Metallizers, Coaters and Laminators (AIMCAL) has released the 5th edition of the AIMCAL Metallizing Technical Reference. This edition is the result of an extensive review and careful updating by AIMCAL’s Vacuum Web Committee.

The updated reference contains 229 pages and adds content about testing results for aluminum thickness vs optical density, advanced substrates, and deposition developments. There are 16 sections including Test Methods and Procedures; Useful Relationships for Metallized Films; Contamination, Web Cleaning, Planarization, and Heat Stabilization; and Non-aluminum Deposition Materials and Techniques.

AIMCAL members may download a PDF version of the book for free in the Members Only section of the AIMCAL website or purchase a print edition for $59. Nonmembers may order the book for $99 plus shipping (on the AIMCAL home page, click on the Technical References tab and select from the dropdown menu). The AIMCAL Metallizing Technical Reference also is sold as part of the AIMCAL Metal Adhesion Test Kit, which is priced at $139.


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