
Digital Magazine

Allen Datagraph Offers New Digital Label System


DERRY, NH | Allen Datagraph Systems (ADSI) recently introduced the iTech AXXIS HS digital label system, a complete digital solution built to print and finish labels for label convertors and brand owners of all sizes. The system, said to offer a significant increase in speed from company’s original iTech AXXIS Digital Label System, comprises both the printer, a high-resolution, roll-fed CMYK print engine featuring LED toner technology, and the iTech AXXIS HS digital label finisher that laminates, integrates die-less die-cutting, and then strips, slits, and rewinds to finished rolls of labels.

The new system includes an LED toner printer manufactured by OKI that reportedly images consumer-quality labels with brilliant, durable, consistent color at 1,200 dpi X 600 dpi, at speeds up to 30 fpm. Printer is also said to offer high productivity and, with a maximum width of 8.5 in., has a wide degree of substrate flexibility that does not require topcoating. It is capable of being used as a standalone in a pre-die-cut label workflow.


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