Carestream Tollcoating Alliance with Polaris Battery Labs
- Published: March 20, 2013
PORTLAND and MEDFORD, OR | Polaris Battery Labs, a prototyping and process development resource for lithium ion battery products, and Carestream Tollcoating, a provider of precision contract manufacturing coating services, are joining forces to help customers accelerate the launch of new battery materials and technologies. The collaboration leverages the capabilities of both companies for customers interested in anode and cathode electrode development and processing, as well as new separator membranes.
Reportedly, the two companies working together will help customers overcome common roadblocks to commercializing their inventions, including generating samples for investors, customers, and internal engineering evaluation and optimization; reducing time to market; and minimizing capital and operational risks in building battery component manufacturing facilities while gaining product and quality system approval.
“Carestream Tollcoating utilizes precision coating methods and high-speed, wide web assets, and technologies developed for other industries to bring high yield and cost advantages to the battery and capacitor industry,” says Rick Daniels, general manager of Carestream Tollcoating. “We are proud to collaborate with Polaris in getting customers’ products to market quickly.”