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AIMCAL Elects Officers and Directors


FORT MILL, SC | The Assn. of International Metallizers, Coaters and Laminators (AIMCAL) elected officers and directors at its recent Management Meeting in Rancho Mirage, CA. Two new directors, Steve Jackson of Camvac; and Milan Moscaritolo of Toray Plastics (America), join returning officers, president Robert Connelly of Madico; VP Dan Bemi of MEGTEC Systems; treasurer Danis Roy of Terphane; and past president Elizabeth Josephson of Applied Materials.

The membership also reelected four directors: Ingrid Brase of Henkel Corp.; Dante Ferrari of Celplast Metallized Products; Doug Krasucki of R.D. Specialties; and David Bryant of Vacuum Depositing.


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