Exopack, Kobusch, and PerfoTec Form Strategic Alliance
- Published: April 11, 2013
SPARTANBURG, SC | Technology for advancing the shelf life of packaged fresh produce will now be available from both Exopack and Kobusch, Warburg, Germany, following the signing of a contract for a strategic alliance between the two flexible packaging converters and PerfoTec, Mijdrecht, The Netherlands.
PerfoTec supplies specialized equipment that measures the respiration rates of fresh fruits and vegetables prior to film packaging. Software provided by the company calculates the required film permeability to allow for optimal respiration of the produce once it is packaged. PerfoTec’s patented Laser Perforation System then uses this information to adapt the film permeability through precise micro perforations. An integrated camera inspects each perforation for accurate diameter and shape.
Exopack develops, manufactures, and sources flexible packaging and coatings solutions for various consumer and industrial end-use markets. Kobusch packaging solutions include tailor-made thermoformed hard packaging, half-flexible and flexible uprights, labels, and sleeves. The alliance will allow both companies to expand their current film offerings to fresh produce customers in North America and Europe respectively. PerfoTec will be responsible for the manufacture and delivery of the respiration meters and laser perforation equipment and software, as well as providing training and continued system support. Exopack and Kobush will have responsibility for film supply and ongoing product support.
Bas Groeneweg, founder and owner of PerfoTec, says, “We are extremely confident that both Exopack and Kobusch have the capabilities to make the PerfoTec System available to all quality driven packers and processors of fresh-cut produce and that this will result in better product freshness and less wastage for retailers and consumers. It is clearly proven that better quality leads to increase of sales and reduction of quality complaints. The system will benefit everybody in the trading chain. We are excited about the possibilities this collaboration will offer to those who are involved in the daily battle for quality.”
According to Kobusch CEO Borge Kvamme, ''Kobusch simply wants to have the best fresh packaging produce system in Europe. Our research shows that better taste and ‘fresher longer’ are the two key attributes for consumers and brands, whereas longer product life cycle is the key attribute for our customers' value chain. This strategic alliance with PerfoTec is key to our business model.”
“We are very excited about the opportunities that this alliance will afford us,” adds Virag Patel, VP of international strategies for Exopack. “The PerfoTec respiration and micro perforation technology will allow us to expand our current product offerings to the produce market and provide our customers with a sustainable alternative to their current packaging methods.”