'Tour' Valmet's Sheeter Range Online in Five Languages
- Published: October 10, 2003, By PRESS RELEASE
BEDFORD, U.K.—Valmet Converting reports that "a complete 'tour' of its range of high-precision sheeters is now available online in five languages." According to the OEM, to take the tour, all that converting industry members need to do is visit Valmet's site (valmetconverting.com), then click on the "Sheeter Tours" link (in the panel to the right of the site's "Latest News" section. Or visit valmetconverting.com/select_language.html).
Valmet says the presentations currently are available in English, Spanish, French, German, and Chinese and adds more languages will follow later. "The product 'tours' the range of Valmet FK (dead knife), TSK (twin synchronous knife), and the smaller, compact CTS (converters' type sheeter) models and ancillary products," states the mfr.
In addition, converters can receive more information about sheeters via email at sales.sheeters@valmet.com. Contact the U.K.-based company by telephone at +44(0) 1767 310100.