
Digital Magazine

Akzo Nobel Inks' Free Seminar Provides Education for Narrow Web Printers


PLYMOUTH, MN, USA—This October, narrow web printers, will have the opportunity to invest in education absolutely free. According to Akzo Nobel Inks, the ink supplier will host "New Technologies for Narrow Web Printers" at its Center for Technical Excellence in Plymouth, MN.

Slated for October 23 and 24, this free seminar will provide a comprehesive overview of the new technologies surfacing in narrow web. Topics covered in this opportunity: dieless foiling; ink-management and color-measurement tools; Hexachrome printing; digital inkjet printing; new ink technologies and maintenance; and market and application trends.

According to Akzo Nobel, the two-day event will feature a variety of narrow web suppliers, and all information presented will be educational and non-commercial. For more information contact your local Akzo Nobel Inks rep, or contact Heather Latzig Zvorak @ heather.latzigzvorak@na.aninks.com. Vist Akzo Nobel Inks at aninks.com.

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