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K 2010 Entrance Passes Now Online at Reduced Rates

DÜSSELDORF, GERMANY | Entrance passes and show directories for K 2010, 18th International Trade Fair Plastics and Rubber, are available online at www.k-online.de at reduced rates (€49 each for a one-day entrance pass, €108 each for a three-day entrance pass, €22 for a show director and €34 for a show directory and DVD package—all plus postage). Entrance passes purchased on site will cost €55 each for a one-day entrance pass and €120 each for a three-day entrance pass. K 2010 will take place from Oct. 27– Nov. 3, 2010, at the fairgrounds in Düsseldorf, Germany.

The entrance passes can be used as a free public transportation ticket on all buses, streetcars, underground trams (U-Bahn), urban railways (S-Bahn) and German rail service within the Rhine-Ruhr regional network (VRR) of Düsseldorf and the Rhein-Sieg transportation network (VRS) which includes the neighboring cities of Wuppertal, Krefeld, Dortmund, Bonn, and Cologne.

For further information on visiting or exhibiting at K 2010, contact Messe Düsseldorf North America, 150 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 2920, Chicago, IL 60601; 312-781-5180; Fax: 312/781-5188; e-mail: info@mdna.com; www.mdna.com.

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