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BDA Releases Study of NA Packaging Paper Market

MARIETTA, GA | Business Development Advisory (BDA) releases a 96-p detailed report addressing what release papers, kraft wrapping papers, and multi-ply packaging papers have in common as part of the packaging paper market. The report also covers seven other major application categories.

Entitled, “In-depth Study of the North American Packaging Paper Market,”the report contains 74 tables and charts, plus insightful analysis of this market that includes ten major application categories and over 100 sub-segments. Described as diverse and complex, the market is reported huge, amounting to over 3.8 million tons of production annually and representing sales at the producer level of over $4.0 billion in 2009.

While BDA, a specialized management consulting firm, focused on the paper and packaging industries, it projects the overall packaging paper market to grow less than 1% per year over the next five years; individual segments analyzed in this report are anticipated to grow much differently–ranging from a low of -2.4% to a high of 7.0% annually over this time period.

The report offers information that could help industry participants avoid strategic mistakes, according to BDA, and take advantage of market opportunities. Suited for paper producers, paper printers and converters, retailers/distributors, suppliers, and investors, the study reports how these different segments are evolving, how underlying trends and dynamics will impact each, and what can be done now to maximize future success.

A detailed Table of Contents, List of Figures, and major segments covered is contained in the study prospectus.

Contact Frank Perkowski at 770/643-9081 or frank@bd-advisory.com with any questions or a copy of the prospectus.

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