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Organizers: DRUPA 2012 Exhibitor Registations Indicate Trend Reversal

DUSSELDORF, GERMANY | Four weeks before the exhibitor registration deadline for drupa 2012, print media trade fair, the organizer Messe Düsseldorf has drawn a positive interim conclusion.

"Fortunately, the changes in the industry are not reflected in the registration behavior of the international supplier industry to the print and media industry,” says Manuel Mataré, project director of drupa. “The global players are counting more than ever on drupa–some of them have even booked more exhibition space than for the last event. In addition there is a significant increase in demand from the ASEAN region (Association of Southeast Asian Nations). drupa 2012 could usher in a trend reversal and with that once again prove its global importance as a leading trade fair and trendsetter in the publishing industry.”

Until the registration deadline on October 31, 2010, the drupa team is expecting a final spurt before the waiting list opens in early November, 2011. drupa will be held from May 3–16, 2012 in Düsseldorf, Germany. drupa 2012 exhibitor applications are available and can only be filled out online–no hard copies are available.

Messe Düsseldorf North America will again organize a US Pavilion, supported by NPES–Assn. for Suppliers of Printing, Publishing and Converting Technologies. The US Pavilion is said to provide a cost-effective means for US companies to enter into or to expand their business in what is claimed a lucrative overseas marketplace. The pavilion turnkey rental package includes a fully furnished booth, access to an attractive lounge area, and the on-site service of a project manager, hostesses, and interpreters. All technical work, setup and dismantling is included. In addition, US Commercial Service staff will be on hand in the US Pavilion to assist with export and licensing questions. Contact Messe Düsseldorf North America at 312-781-5180 to reserve exhibit space within the US Pavilion.

The structuring of the 19 exhibition halls according to the individual industry segments will begin early next year after all registrations have been reviewed. Exhibitor admissions will take place in August, 2011. Simultaneously, the ancillary program with its cornerstones drupa innovation park, drupacube, Highlights Tours and Compass Sessions will be developed in collaboration with the cooperation partners.

For further information about exhibiting at drupa 2012, contact Messe Düsseldorf North America, 150 N. Michigan Ave., St.e 2920, Chicago, IL 60601; 312-781-5180; (fax) 312-781-5188; info@mdna.com.

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