
Digital Magazine

Sun Chemical Offers Online Troubleshooting Guide


PARSIPPANY, NJ | Sun Chemical reports the launch of a new online troubleshooting guide designed to help customers resolve common technical defects that can arise during a press run.

The website is said to provide solutions to help customers solve any challenge they may be facing with their flexographic, sheet-fed, paper packaging, gravure, and/or energy-curable printing issues.

After choosing the printing process, the online guide uses both photos and defect terms (dot gain, pinholes, feathering, comets, etc.) to help the printer identify which technical problem they are facing. Then they can read the solution provided by company to resolve the particular challenge.

“We want to provide our customers with a useful tool that helps them troubleshoot issues that can occur on a press,” says Penny Holland, VP of marketing, North American Inks, Sun Chemical. “Our customers need to keep their pressrooms running smoothly and limit downtime.”

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