
Digital Magazine

FSEA Hands Out Gold Leaf Awards


TOPEKA, KS | The Foil & Specialty Effects Assn. (FSEA) announces the winners of the 21st Annual FSEA Gold Leaf Awards Competition—described as an assembly of color, dimension, and eye-catching effects representing the most electric works throughout the graphic arts industry. 

Judged on design, execution, and level of difficulty, the competition draws entries from around the world. The 2014 winners represented works from the US, Canada, Australia, Germany, Finland, UK, and Taiwan. FSEA says the competition celebrates the quality, added value, shelf presence, security and brand recognition that these finishing processes lend to the printed sheet, from foil stamping and embossing to specialty coating, film laminating, laser cutting, die-cutting, cold foil application, and more.

Ninety-eight gold, silver ,and bronze winners in 33 different categories were recognized at the Awards Banquet during the annual conference in Milwaukee, WI, in April. Admore, Macomb, MI, was presented with the Best of Show Award in the category of Best Foil Stamped and/or Embossed Presentation Folder, and Gravure Choquet, Montreal, ON, Canada, won Best of Show Honorable Mention in the category of Best Foil Stamped and/or Embossed Self Promotion.

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