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WHQuiz Answer #13 - Web Wrinkling vs. Speed

WebHandlersQuiz 13: Wrinkling - If you see wrinkles at low speeds, but the wrinkles go away at higher speeds, what is the most likely reason?  Answer...

WHQuiz Answer #12 -Web Tracking

WebHandlersQuiz 12: Web Tracking – In a vertical span, which will cause the web to track off center more, a roller tram or level error?  Answer...

WHQuiz Answer #11 - Intermediate Guiding

WebHandlersQuiz 11: Guiding - For automatic guiding in the middle of a process, which is preferred – A steering type guide or a displacement type guide?  Answer...

WHQuiz Answer #10 - Laminate Curl

WebHandlersQuiz 10: Laminating – If a two-layer laminate product curls to the top layer in the machine direction, which would reduce the curl: increase or decrease the top layer pre-laminate tension?  Answer...

WHQuiz Answer #8 - Nipped Driven Rollers

WebHandlersQuiz 8: Traction – When is a nipped roller needed on a driven roller separating two tension zones?  Answer...

WHQuiz Answer #9 - Nip Uniformity

WebHandlersQuiz 9: Nipped Rollers - What is a simple measurement to determine if two nip rollers are pressing together uniformly?  Answer...

Gralex Unwind Stands Allow One-Person Changes

SRS Series unwind stands have self-adjusting friction brakes, lightweight shaft and core chuck assembly, and require no tools for changeovers

WHQuiz Answer #7 - Large Diameter Rollers

WebHandlersQuiz 7: Rollers – Which rollers in a process will likely have the largest diameters? Answer...

WHQuiz Answer #6 - Roller Alignment

WebHandlersQuiz 6: Rollers - What is a reasonable specification for roller alignment in mm/m, milli-radians, or mils/in? Answer...

WHQuiz Answer #5 - Draw Control Pros/Cons

WebHandlersQuiz 5: Tension (Draw) Control – Name one advantage and one disadvantage of draw control (a.k.a. as speed ratio control)? Answer...

WHQuiz Answer #4 - Load Cell Roller Advantages

WebHandlersQuiz 4: Tension Control – Name one advantage of using a tension load cell roller has over a dancer roller in a closed-loop tension control system? Answer...

WHQuiz Answer #3 - Dancer Roller Advantages

WebHandlersQuiz 3: Tension Control – Name one advantage of using a dancer roller has over a tension load cell roller in a closed-loop tension control system? Answer...

A Viking Fan at Lambeau? What I do for Web Handling...

I will be attending my first Converter's Expo on March 1 in Green Bay, WI. As a MN Viking season ticket holder, it  is a little bit like stepping in to the Lion's den (or Bear's den), but to share web handling knowledge, I'll do it. 

WHQuiz Answer #2 - Crossweb Tension Variations

WebHandlersQuiz 2: Tension Control – Name three causes of tension variations across the web’s width (i.e. things would create a loose edge or center)?

WHQuiz Answer #1 - The Right Tension

WebHandlersQuiz1: Tension Control - How do you determine the target web handling tension for a give product in units of force or force per width? Answer...

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