
Digital Magazine

How Much Misalignment Is Trouble?

Shear wrinkles are the most common wrinkle mechanism, forming a diagonal crease and appearing to walk across rollers like an inch worm. The way to create

How Much Misalignment Is Trouble?

Most converting equipment suppliers and manufacturers take care to ensure the rollers of their machines are aligned. Designing for good alignment, machining

Spooling System Expands Markets

Lancashire, UK | SJA Film Technologies has invested in a 24-station spooling machine from Double R Controls that allows SJA to convert a wider range of

Who's Driving This Nip?

What is the best way to drive a set of nipped rollers? Two rollers and two drive options (driven or not) lead to four options. To make this discussion

Menges Expands Roller Repair Services

Wauconda, IL | Menges Roller Co. has expanded its repair services for rollers used in the converting industry to relieve industry budget stresses. According

Do You Have a Need for Speed?

Faster, faster, faster. As you reach the designed capacity of your existing process, before buying new equipment, most converters will ask if they simply

A Wealth of Accumulators

A good accumulator should be like money in the bank easy to deposit and readily available to withdraw when you need it. A web accumulator is like a bank,

Idler Roller Bearings: Living the Good Long Life?

Most bearings are designed for a hard life, expecting to end up on a drive shaft of a high-speed motor with a heavy load. Some bearings, however, end

Web Lines: The Spin on Idler Roller Testing

It's an election year, so I'd like to join the political pundits and offer some spin of my own, but my spin will be free of political opinions. Instead,

A Recipe for Scratching

This month we're having another session of Do the Opposite. I'm going to tell you how to make great scratches. The solution to stopping scratches is to

Buyers & Suppliers: Can We Dance?

Buying equipment is a partnership between the equipment buyers and equipment suppliers. The dance begins when a buyer has a need (and hopefully the money)

Web Lines: Thinking About New Equipment?

A new year often brings new budgets and thoughts about new equipment. If you are lucky enough to be handed a project to buy new converting equipment,

Roll Winding Dynamics

Materials today often are more than they may seem at first glance; many are manufactured with non-conventional properties. Label and semi-glossed enamel stocks are engineered

Get a Grip: Driving Your Web

In my October 2007 column, In Search of Tension Isolation, I myth-busted the belief that a high traction driven roller can completely isolate one tension

Picking Up the Pace

As press manufacturers continue to introduce presses that can run faster in theory but not necessarily in practice it falls to the manufacturers of register

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