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NAPIM to Host Ink Pavilion at CMM 2005


NEW YORK, NY, USA—If you want the "lay"down on the latest in inks, you'll be able to get it at CMM 2005. According to the The National Association of Printing Ink Manufacturers (NAPIM), it will sponsor an ink pavilion at CMM next year, where NAPIM members will be able to showcase their latest products and technological advancements in one, central location.

"With the increased focus on package security and radio frequency identification (RFID) solutions," explains NAPIM's executive director Jim Coleman, "ink manufacturers are playing a larger role in the package-printing process. CMM will provide current and prospective users of ink products and processes with an opportunity to see and learn about the latest developments and trends impacting their businesses."

In addition to NAPIM's ink pavilion, five other trade associations — Flexographic Technical Association (FTA; flexography.org), AIMCAL (Association of Industrial Metallizers, Coaters, and Laminators; aimcal.org), PLGA (Packaging Label and Gravure Association; plga.com), RadTech (radtech.org), and Conlatingraf (conlatingraf.org)— are sponsoring process-focused pavilions at the four-day show next spring.

According to CMM, the NAPIM pavilion — as well as the other process-focused pavilions — provide added value to the more than 22,000 attendees expected to visit the converting machinery and materials expo.

Learn more about CMM International 2005 at cmmshow.com.

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