Paperloop Expands European Analytical and Editorial Staff
- Published: May 26, 2005, By
NICE, FRANCE—Paperloop has made six additions to it's Brussels-based staff to bolster RISI analytical products, PPI This Week newsletter, PPI magazine, and the Paperloop Benchmarking group as well as two new economists covering Asia.
Paperloop’s new staff members are:
- Anne Bousquet, director, European Forecasting Service
- Alex He, economist, China
- Ville Henttonen, European Benchmarking analyst
- Deepa Kamat, economist, Asia
- Jana Savova, research analyst, European Forecasting Service
- Voytek Sylwestrowicz, economist, European Graphic Paper
- Elizabeth Bains, associate editor, PPI This Week
- Fiona Winward, associate editor, PPI This Week