MOCON Announces Seminar Series
- Published: January 31, 2006, By
MINNEAPOLIS, MN—MOCON is hosting a free monthly Internet seminar on a variety of packaging material testing and performance topics. Participants can review the PowerPoint slides while listening to the presenter via the phone. The presenter also has a “cyber pointer” at their disposal so that key aspects of the copy, equations, etc. can be highlighted for easier viewer comprehension.
The Webinars begin at 10 a.m. CST and last 30 minutes with a question/answer period at the end. Subjects and dates are as follows.
Date | Seminar Title and Topics |
Feb. 8 | Oxygen Transmission Rate Testing ASTM D-3985 and F-1307 provide the background for this seminar describing oxygen transmission rate testing. The ASTM methods will be covered as well as tips and techniques for obtaining accurate transmission rate numbers. |
Mar. 8 | CASE STUDY—Oxygen Transmission Rate in a Medical Pouch An oxygen sensitive component of a medical device required special packaging. This case study follows the development of the package from initial material qualification to evaluations of the final pouch design and finally to the addition of a scavenger. |
April 12 | MOCON Oxygen Transmission Rate Testing Equipment MOCON will review MOCON’s OTR testing equipment and provide insight into some common testing issues. MOCON will explain features of each model and tips and techniques for testing samples. A guest speaker from the MOCON Service Department will be on hand to help with related issues. |
May 10 | CASE STUDY—WVTR Through Micro-perforated Films This seminar reviews a test method developed to test the water vapor transmission rate through micro-perforated films—a task normally impossible using an instrumented method. A step-by-step procedure will be provided. |
June 14 | Water Vapor Transmission Rate Testing ASTM F-1249 provides the background for this seminar describing WVTR testing. The ASTM method will be covered as well as tips and techniques for obtaining accurate transmission rate numbers. |
July 12 | CASE STUDY—Total Package Integrity This seminar will tie together OTR, headspace testing, material selection and accelerated aging results into a case study to show that permeation is only part of the answer when packaging a product. |
Aug. 9 | MOCON Water Vapor Transmission Rate Testing Equipment MOCON will review MOCON’s WVTR testing equipment and provide insight into some common testing issues. MOCON will explain features of each model and tips and techniques for testing samples. A guest speaker from the MOCON Service Department will be on hand to help with related issues. |
Sept. 13 | MOCON Answers Your Questions MOCON will solicit general permeation/packaging/testing questions ahead of time and answer them in this seminar. MOCON will also reserve extra time at the end of the seminar for additional questions. Guest speakers from different departments within MOCON will be on hand. |
Oct. 11 | CASE STUDY—Organic Transmission Rates Through Packages Although not as common as oxygen and water vapor transmission rate testing, organic transmission rate testing is conducted frequently. This seminar will review a study to develop a pouch to contain an organic compound starting with an initial film characterization to rank "candidate" materials and then evaluate the final pouch. |
Nov. 8 | MOCON Package Testing Equipment MOCON will review MOCON’s packaging equipment and provide insight into some common testing issues. MOCON will explain features of each model and tips and techniques for testing samples. A guest speaker from the MOCON Service Department will be on hand to help with related issues. |
Dec. 13 | CASE STUDY—Comparison of WVTR Testing Methods for Packages This seminar will review a study performed to evaluate various test methods for determining the WVTR through packages. Methods included in the study are gravimetric, IR (MOCON PERMATRAN-W series), IR with Nafion, and MOCON AQUATRAN. Results and test methods will be presented. |
If you are interested in participating, email for instructions or register online at