Mohawk Now Authorized to Use Green-e Symbol
- Published: February 02, 2006, By
COHOES, NY—Mohawk Fine Papers has received certification from Green-e for its paper grades produced with wind-generated electricity. Mohawk actively encourages its customers to use the certified/accredited Green-e symbol for projects that are produced on papers from its Windpower Portfolio. Green-e certfies renewable electricity products that meet the environmental and consumer protection standards established by the program.
Mohawk customers who wish to use the Green-e symbol may receive more information or request the logo by contacting their Mohawk sales rep or Anne Carlino at 518/233-6359, See
The Green-e symbol is held by Green-e Renewable Electricity Certification Program and administered by the Center for Resource Solutions. For information on the Green-e Renewable Electricity Certification Program, visit