Huston Patterson Gets a Makeover
- Published: March 23, 2006, By
DECATUR, IL—Huston Patterson is gearing up for more print runs, and is incorporating a new look. The company is focusing the primary business on the large-format packaging with enhanced and expanded equipment.
The company chose to bring a fresh look to their logo. The lettering was changed to block type, while the right-adjusted orientation of the wording remains the same. “In the transition to our new identity, we dropped the word 'printer in favor of a new tagline, ‘Experience. Evolution,'” says Thomas W. Kowa, president and CEO. “The intent is to symbolize our commitment to clients by continually offering the pinnacle in service and technology.” The three bold colors contrasted by a cool gray symbolize the visual impact of Huston Patterson’s final product. Graphic elements reinforce the company’s core strengths. The green sphere and “T” below it form a person with arms outstretched representing leadership and the people behind Huston Patterson’s success. The “ink to paper” graphic represents craftsmanship, the skill and quality required for fine printing. The impression of paper passing over a roller represents innovation, and the high level of technology and automated processes that produce the best products efficiently. Finally, the culmination of these strengths and the client experience represent unparalleled value.